Ft. p.o.s.e and Rawr Muffinz @ to the moon and back
So you think you had a bad day?
Have you ever had a day like this?
You dressed up, and are really feeling the good hair day.
Your outfit, you know it's perfect.
You set out, feeling good! Feeling like you can take on the day.
And then something like this happens.
You spill your coffee on your shirt.
You step in gum.
Your sandal strap breaks.
You run your nylons.
You fall up the stairs.
That favorite pen leaks all over in your purse, you don't know till you find ink all over your hand and everything you touched the last 5 minutes.
You forgot your wallet, realizing it at the check out counter.
These things can make you crabby and ruin your day.
Don't let them.
Make the best out of every situation.
Stuff happens, shrug it off.
You still look flawless!
The best part of any outfit is a huge smile. A warm personality. A laugh.
That will always outshine the coffee stains.
Don't be crabby 💫
*Rawr Muffinz* Briana Dress. Comes in TD baby and kid as well as Bebe size. Also included mesh bracelet, hair pom pom and pritty sandals. At the July
To the Moon and Back Event
p.o.s.e: CRABS. Poses for her & him, couples, kids and family.
What Izzy is wearing:
Body: Toddleedoo baby
Shape: Khaleesi Moon Shape v4 (Fairy)
Head: *TD* Bento Mesh Head #Moon
Skin: ~ EnferSombre Porcelain Tone - Baby
Eyes: IKON Sovereign Eyes - Nymph
Ears: Unisex [Mandala] STEKING_EARS_Season5
Hair: Wasabi PIlls/ Plum Mesh Hair - Style 2 Reds
Accessory: Kibitz - Star necklace - gold
Accessory: :BoWillow: Galaxy Birthstone Rings - Left RARE
Accessory: :BoWillow: Galaxy Birthstone Rings - Right RARE
Accessory: LBM Nose Bandage
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