FT p.o.s.e & Doodlez and Pinned design @ DaeDreamz
School is out and Izzy is already in vacation mode.
Sand in her toes, shades to block the sun, backpacks full of toys and games, all nothing but fun to be had!
Treats and sandcastles, pools and the beach, yep, summer is here!
To celebrate the beginning of summer, Izzy got a present! A Sea Turtle bracelet she also learned a bit about Sea Turtles and how awesome they are! Also the sad news that
Sea Turtles are endangered.
You can help by:
- Supporting sea turtle research and conservation organizations and projects through volunteering or donating funds.
- Supporting measures to protect nesting habitats.
- Choosing seafood that is caught without impacting turtles (e.g., in areas where turtle excluder devices are used, or where bycatch is minimal).
- Not purchasing sea turtle products, including meat, eggs, oil, or tortoiseshell.
- Watching out for sea turtles if you are out on a boat in sea turtle habitat.
- Reducing marine debris. This includes always disposing of your trash properly, using fewer disposable items and plastics, buying locally and purchasing items with less packaging.
- Reducing your carbon footprint by using less energy
Izzy even had a end of the year picture taken!
Mom said she is going to take picture of her in this same basket every year to see how much she grows.
Izzy sat still for about 2 minutes.. just long enough to capture a quick photo. Then she was off... ready to take on the sun.
Enjoy the sand in your toes! And save the Turtles 💞
Doodlez Seaside Sweetie Gacha. Shown Sunglasses 1 (resizeable), Outfit 1~Baby RARE, Sandal Red Left Baby, Blue Right Baby, Bracelet 3 (resize). Bow 3.
Pic #1 Chair:
Doodlez blow up beach chairs gacha. 9 to win. 3 animated sits in each chair.;
Pic #2 Charm:
Pinned Design charm bracelet Turtle Blue. Attaches to right hand. Modify & Transfer only. Two different vendors. One vendor is charm only and can be added to the bracelet. This is going to be an ongoing collection to add the charms too, This is the first charm in the series.
All of these can be found at the July DaeDreamz Event by clicking
here. Don't miss out!
Pic #2
p.o.s.e. jewelry female #1
Pic #3 Handmade. Abbie Bottom - Black. Handmade. Abbie Top - Star
Pic #3
p.o.s.e sunflower basket. Comes with props.
What Izzy is wearing:
Body: Toddleedoo baby
Shape: Alex Shape [bento head] self edit
Head: *TD* Bento Mesh Head #Alex
Skin: ~Mynerva Little Kia Summer
Eyes: IKON Sovereign Eyes - Nymph
Ears: Unisex [Mandala] STEKING_EARS_Season5
Hair: Magika A Perfect Mess
Accessory: Kibitz - Star necklace - gold
Accessory: :BoWillow: Galaxy Birthstone Rings - Left RARE
Accessory: :BoWillow: Galaxy Birthstone Rings - Right RARE
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