Ft. Boomerang @ Playroom, Tiny CakeZ @ DaeDreamz, & Lazo @ Ninety-nine
What gives you superpowers?
Maybe it's coffee. We hear that stuff is like adult batteries. Keeps the adults running around being bossy. So maybe coffee gives you superpowers?
Maybe it's sleep. We try to not do this sleep thing, but it seems like the old people like it. We get in a lot of trouble if we wake up Mom's when it's still dark outside. So maybe sleep gives you superpowers?
Maybe it's gas. Kael has the superpower to clear out a room when he has gas. Maybe this isn't a good superpower.
Maybe it's sugar. Izzy can run around the couch 724 times after she crawls up on the counter and opens the sugar jar and eats a few mouthfuls of the white stuff. Yep, pretty sure sugar gives you superpowers.
Maybe it's daylight? It's a lot easier to climb things to jump off of in the daylight. It can be done in the dark too (not that we get up and climb on the counters and jump on the couch after Mom's go to bed). Maybe sunshine gives you superpowers.
Maybe it's a cape?
Yea, pretty sure it's a cape that gives you real superpowers! These ones gave us power to close our eyes and fly. We were up so high, and flew so fast.. we even left a trail behind us. We had the powers to fly away when it was time for dinner, and we smelled broccoli. So pretty sure these capes give us a superpower.
Maybe it's love that is the greatest superpower of all? Cause you can love that coffee, and love getting your sleep, you can love sugar in all forms, and you can love the sunshine.. you can love your cape (you probabaly can't love Kael's gas) but love is a pretty strong superpower. It's like the superpower of superpowers.
So use it wisely, use it often, use it on everyone.
And wear a cape if you have to, the world is full of broccoli.
Boomerang I can fly capes gacha. Capes are scripted for flight and have particle trail. There are 9 commons, 3 rares (bat, unicorn and dragon; shown), and 1 ultra rare (super hero; shown).
Capes can be found at September Playroom Event
Boomerang Mainstore is
tiny cakeZ Rock it Outfit. Fits TD Baby and Bebe avatars. Comes in 3 shirt colors and 3 pant colors, HUD controlled. This awesome outfit can be found for a limited time at the September DaeDreamz Event so
Tiny cakez Mainstore is
HERE their Marketplace is
Lazo North Outfit comes as a 20 color fatpack and is sized for TD Baby/Kid as well as Bebe size avatars. Outfit comes as one piece and is changed via color HUD. This Outfit is currently at the September Ninety-Nine Event
Lazo's Mainstore is
HERE, their Marketplace is
What Izzy is wearing:
Body: TD baby
Shape: Khaleesi Moon Shape v4 (Fairy)
Head: *TD* Bento Mesh Head #Moon
Skin: ~ EnferSombre Porcelain Tone - Baby
Eyes: IKON Sovereign Eyes - Nymph
Ears: Unisex [Mandala] Steking_Ears_Season5
Hair: Wasabi Pills/ Plum Mesh Hair - Style 2 Reds
Accessory: LBM Nose Bandage
What Kael is wearing:
Body: Toddleedoo baby
Shape: Emily shape self edit
Head: *TD* Bento Mesh Head #Moon
Skin: Enfer Sombre - Baby Porcelain
Eyes: Buzz moonstone eyes Avada and Pure
Ears: Unisex [Mandala] STEKING_EARS_Season5
Hair: barberyumyum 57 red
Accessory: Half Deer Pointy Fluffy Ears and Long Fluffy Tail - grey
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