
Micro-Communism Fails Again

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Title : Micro-Communism Fails Again
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Micro-Communism Fails Again

One of, if not the biggest complaint I have about communists is, like a multi-cultural society, they have no successful track record of getting communism to work just once.  I'm all for society experimenting and trying different things because that is how you advance, but on just a simple logical level, don't you think you should try communism on a small scale before rolling it out for all 7 billion people on the planet?

And in light of the Soviet Union, Moaist China, Pol Pot, North Korea, and Venezuela, don't you think it should be tried on a small scale first before applying it an entire country?  You know, before you starve another 100 million people?

Which is why I find this story particularly interesting.

"Pizza with a Purpose" is what I like to call "micro-communism."  It's a small scale attempt at implementing a socialist economy, albeit on a micro-scopic level.  It allows people to experiment with communism to see if they can "finally" fine tune it and "do it right this time."

But they just keep failing.

Beforehand there was a "Marxist" restaurant in Michigan that closed.  There was also an anti-cop coffee barista who had to close her shop as well. I'm sure if you dig you'll find a dozen cafes, shops, bistros, and restaurants, all headed up by (ironically) communist capitalists who just can't keep a cafe open.

Which begets the question - if you can't run a restaurant, how the hell do you people expect to run an economy?

Of course, to most communists this question is moot.  They value their religion of communism more than the lives it would destroy.  Their ego and religion is more important than the reality it hasn't worked, it won't work, and likely will never work.  And this is a point I'm desperately trying to convey to those not on the left - stop trying to argue reason and evidence with these people.  They simply do not care to debate with intellectual honesty, and they truly don't care to bring about a "better world."  They simply want other people to pay for their stuff.  They simply want free shit.  They want to parasite off of you and these elaborate economic, philosophical and political "theories" are merely bunk to mask their cowardice and parasitism.

What piques my interest is when these people actually put their money where their mouths are and open a communist restaurant.  They're so delusional, and so fervent in their marxist religion, they'll ruin their own financial lives attempting to run a "communist company."  It's at times like that you simply pour yourself a cup of coffee, sit back and watch the show.  And then when they blame it on "patriarchy" or "sexism" or whatever bogus excuses parasites come up with for their own failure, you merely enjoy the decline.

thus Article Micro-Communism Fails Again

that is all articles Micro-Communism Fails Again This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.

You now read the article Micro-Communism Fails Again with the link address https://onechildsmart.blogspot.com/2017/10/micro-communism-fails-again.html

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