Ft. Humbled, tiny cakeZ, and Viva Kids @Moon and Back, Breaux Jr @Shop Hop Halloween Hunt
Decisions, Decisions.
It is getting closer to Halloween. So what do you think the kid's costumes should be?
Humbled. TD life |
Something homemade and silly?
Something pretty and creepy?
Tiny CakeZ RedRum Dress |
Something cute and sassy?
Viva Kids Island Girl Outfit |
Or, and I think this will be unanimous.
a Taco and Hot Sauce?
Izzy made Kael be the taco. She loves tacos and needs a reason to bite without getting in trouble.
Breaux Jr, Taco and Hot Sauce Costumes |
She still got in trouble. You can't bite your brother, even if he looks like a delicious taco.
Humbled. TD Life. Hoodie comes with and without candy attachment, black sweats included. Comes in TD & Bebe sizes. Priced at 100L.
Humbled. Mainstore
Humbled. MP
Tiny CakeZ . Redrum Dress. Comes in TD Kid and Baby sizes. Wand not included (MurMur wand from Shop Hop Halloween Hunt)
Tiny CakeZ Mainstore
Viva Kids. Island Babygirl Costume. Comes in TD Baby and Bebe. Included bikini and thong, earrings, hair flower, necklace, ribbons, star fish.
All of the previous awesome outfits can be found at the October Moon and Back Event
HERE (oct 8-31st)
Breaux Jr. Taco and Hot Sauce Costumes. Costumes will fit most avatars such as TD, Bebe, Tweenster, Slink, and most Omega. They are 2 Hunt items you can find on the Shop Hop Halloween Hunt (going til the 31st!)
What Izzy is wearing:
Body: TD baby
Shape: Khaleesi Moon Shape v4 (Fairy)
Head: *TD* Bento Mesh Head #Moon
Skin: ~ EnferSombre Porcelain Tone - Baby
Eyes: IKON Sovereign Eyes - Nymph
Ears: Unisex [Mandala] Steking_Ears_Season5
Hair: Mina Hair - josje hair - dark red
Accessory: Kibitz - Star necklace - gold
Accessory: :BoWillow: Galaxy Birthstone Rings - Left RARE
Accessory: :BoWillow: Galazy Birthstone Rings - Right RARE
Accessory: LBM Nose Bandage
What Kael is wearing:
Body: Toddleedoo baby
Shape: Emily shape self edit
Head: *TD* Bento Mesh Head #Moon
Skin: Enfer Sombre - Baby Porcelain
Eyes: Buzz moonstone eyes Avada and Pure
Ears: Unisex [Mandala] STEKING_EARS_Season5
Hair: Stealthic Rebellion - reds
Accessory: Half Deer Pointy Fluffy Ears and Long Fluffy Tail - grey
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