Title : Top Posts This Week 9/8/18
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Top Posts This Week 9/8/18
Top Posts This Week 9/8/18
Posts This Week 9/8/18
KJ and Michele Rhee: Sacramento Charter High School Students Hold Walk-Out in Protest of School’s Recent Changes | FOX40
by mike simpson / 20min
Sacramento High School Students Hold Walk-Out in Protest of School’s Recent Changes | FOX40 Parents are outraged after charter school turns away students for minor dress code violations SACRAMENTO -- Students at Sacramento High School in Oak Park are in open revolt; refusing to return to class until their demands are met by the school’s administration. At issue is the dismissal of several faculty
Billionaires v teachers: the Koch brothers' plan to starve public education | US news | The Guardian
by mike simpson / 1h
Billionaires v teachers: the Koch brothers' plan to starve public education | US news | The Guardian Billionaires v teachers: the Koch brothers' plan to starve public education A small group of women have succeeded in putting a state law promoted by Betsy DeVos and billionaire donors which they see as an attack on public education on the ballot in November Are you a teacher? We want to hear from
Union Membership Narrows the Racial Wealth Gap for Families of Color - Center for American Progress
by mike simpson / 1h
Union Membership Narrows the Racial Wealth Gap for Families of Color - Center for American Progress Union Membership Narrows the Racial Wealth Gap for Families of Color Janus v. AFSCME Download the PDF here. Wealth is critical to families’ immediate and long-term economic well-being. It helps families pay their bills if their income drops due to unforeseen events such as a layoff or medical emerg
Torlakson’s California Charter Law ‘Action Team’ Has a Troubling Tilt
by mike simpson / 2h
Torlakson’s California Charter Law ‘Action Team’ Has a Troubling Tilt Torlakson’s California Charter Law ‘Action Team’ Has a Troubling Tilt Thomas Ultican / Tultican California’s lame-duck Superintendent of Public Instruction, Tom Torlakson, has formed an Action Team to review laws governing charter schools. Six of the thirteen Action Team members work for the destroy public education (DPE) movem
Hijacked by Billionaires: How the Super Rich Buy Elections to Undermine Public Schools - NPE Action
by mike simpson / 2h
California Gives For-Profit Charters the Boot, K12 Inc. Largely the Reason | deutsch29
by mike simpson / 2h
California Gives For-Profit Charters the Boot, K12 Inc. Largely the Reason | deutsch29 California Gives For-Profit Charters the Boot, K12 Inc. Largely the Reason On September 07, 2018, California Governor Jerry Brown signed into law a bill authored by Assemblyman Kevin McCarthy prohibiting for-profit charter schools in California, effective July 01, 2019. From the bill: On and after July 1, 2019,
"We as students get to tell our story" — at the Premiere of "Personal Statement" | Schott Foundation for Public Education
by mike simpson / 16h
"We as students get to tell our story" — at the Premiere of "Personal Statement" | Schott Foundation for Public Education "We as students get to tell our story" — at the Premiere of "Personal Statement" I recently had the honor of attending the premiere of Personal Statement , a film by Julie Dressner and co-directed by Edwin Martinez that follows three high school seniors who were trained to sup
Teachers Leave For-Profit Charter Schools at Alarming Rates, Report Says
by mike simpson / 23h
Teachers Leave For-Profit Charter Schools at Alarming Rates, Report Says Teachers Leave For-Profit Charter Schools at Alarming Rates, Report Says Students attending many of the nation’s 6,900 public charter schools may see unfamiliar faces as they head back to school this year. Public schools already experience high levels of turnover among educators, but school teachers are leaving charter schoo
The fight continues: which states will teachers strike in next? | US news | The Guardian
by mike simpson / 1d
The fight continues: which states will teachers strike in next? | US news | The Guardian The fight continues: which states will teachers strike in next? L ast spring, a wave of teachers strikes across the United States helped spur mass support for educators – and wage raises – after decades of cuts and demonization by both Republicans and Democrats alike. As schools start again, teachers are dete
Could Weighted Education Funding Campaigns Be Advancing An ALEC-Backed Agenda? – Wrench in the Gears
by mike simpson / 1d
Could Weighted Education Funding Campaigns Be Advancing An ALEC-Backed Agenda? – Wrench in the Gears Could Weighted Education Funding Campaigns Be Advancing An ALEC-Backed Agenda? Campaigns have been launched across the nation to document and address chronic deficits in state-level education funding. Undoubtedly, the intentional underfunding of our public schools is a serious concern. One such ca
What Spurred a 98% Strike Vote by LA Teachers? Plutocrats Pushing Charter Schools
by mike simpson / 1d
What Spurred a 98% Strike Vote by LA Teachers? Plutocrats Pushing Charter Schools What Spurred a 98% Strike Vote by LA Teachers? Plutocrats Pushing Charter Schools Public school teachers in Los Angeles voted overwhelmingly in late August to authorize a strike over stalled contract negotiations, but the issues really energizing the union membership go far beyond a new contract. Instead, say union
Criminalizing Childhood: School Safety Measures Aren’t Making the Schools Any Safer | Dissident Voice
by mike simpson / 1d
Criminalizing Childhood: School Safety Measures Aren’t Making the Schools Any Safer | Dissident Voice Criminalizing Childhood: School Safety Measures Aren’t Making the Schools Any Safer Every day in communities across the United States, children and adolescents spend the majority of their waking hours in schools that have increasingly come to resemble places of detention more than places of learn
New Book Defines Neoliberalism, Challenges Elite Charade of Changing the World | janresseger
by mike simpson / 1d
New Book Defines Neoliberalism, Challenges Elite Charade of Changing the World | janresseger New Book Defines Neoliberalism, Challenges Elite Charade of Changing the World Betsy DeVos, our current U.S. Secretary of Education, is easy to peg. She’s an education libertarian who has been known to declare, “Government really sucks.” She believes in the glory of private markets and has an added commit
SEP 06
Teacher Kim Cook on Andrew Gillum & saving Florida public education | The Edvocate Blog
by mike simpson / 1d
Teacher Kim Cook on Andrew Gillum & saving Florida public education | The Edvocate Blog Teacher Kim Cook on Andrew Gillum & saving Florida public education Florida has been under single party rule for more than 20 years. This complete lack of checks and balances has normalized an unrelenting assault on our most precious asset: public education. With each year, the destructive political intent beh
The teacher pay penalty has hit a new high: Trends in the teacher wage and compensation gaps through 2017 | Economic Policy Institute
by mike simpson / 2d
The teacher pay penalty has hit a new high: Trends in the teacher wage and compensation gaps through 2017 | Economic Policy Institute The teacher pay penalty has hit a new high Trends in the teacher wage and compensation gaps through 2017 Download PDF Press release Summary and key findings Teacher strikes in West Virginia, Oklahoma, Arizona, North Carolina, Kentucky, and Colorado have raised the
'I can't believe it's not a crime': Brnovich says lawmakers must pass charter school reforms - AZPM
by mike simpson / 2d
Arizona AG: Lawmakers Must Pass Charter School Reforms - AZPM 'I can't believe it's not a crime': Brnovich says lawmakers must pass charter school reforms PHOENIX — Arizona's attorney general is calling for legislation to lend more oversight to the state's charter schools in response to a recent investigation by The Arizona Republic into financial dealings at a major online school. Mark Brnovich'
Leaked DeVos rules could trigger drastic changes in Columbia’s sexual assault policies - Columbia Daily Spectator
by mike simpson / 2d
Leaked DeVos rules could trigger drastic changes in Columbia’s sexual assault policies - Columbia Daily Spectator Leaked DeVos rules could trigger drastic changes in Columbia’s sexual assault policies BY KHADIJA HUSSAIN AND KAREN XIA | SEPTEMBER 6, 2018, 10:35 AM Updated September 6, 2018 at 10:34 a.m. Newly proposed federal Title IX regulations could spark broad changes to Columbia policies gove
SEP 05
Save Public Education By Raising Teacher Salaries To $60k Federal Minimum
by mike simpson / 2d
Save Public Education By Raising Teacher Salaries To $60k Federal Minimum Save Public Education By Raising Teacher Salaries To $60k Federal Minimum Demonstrators hold a sign reading "Our Students Deserve Better" during a rally inside the Oklahoma State Capitol building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, U.S., on Tuesday, April 3, 2018. Photographer: Scott Heins/Bloomberg Betsy DeVos and her for-profit “
by mike simpson / 3d
WHAT SHOULD WE REALLY LEARN FROM NEW ORLEANS AFTER THE STORM? – School Finance 101 WHAT SHOULD WE REALLY LEARN FROM NEW ORLEANS AFTER THE STORM? Full Review: https://ift.tt/2wY56Dm SUMMARY In July of 2018, the Education Research Alliance for New Orleans released a comprehensive, summative longitudinal report on the effects on student
Duncan and DeVos Are Both Wrong, We Need Old-School Reform Education Law Prof Blog
by mike simpson / 3d
Education Law Prof Blog Duncan and DeVos Are Both Wrong, We Need Old-School Reform Former Secretary of Education Arne Duncan spent the last few months trying to rehabilitate his work and distinguish it from DeVos. This spring he implored us to ignore current claims that education reforms of the past have failed. On his book tour, he has been arguing that “education lies” often drive education pol
The real story of New Orleans and its charter schools - The Washington Post
by mike simpson / 3d
The real story of New Orleans and its charter schools - The Washington Post The real story of New Orleans and its charter schools School choice proponents love to talk about New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina ravaged the city in 2005 and the public school system was decimated. A collection of charter schools opened to replace the troubled traditional school district that had previously existed,
LOIS WEINER: A Lesson Plan for Organized Labor
by mike simpson / 3d
A Lesson Plan for Organized Labor A Lesson Plan for Organized Labor This Labor Day, with public opinion firmly in favor of unions and teachers racking up victories across the country, the news for the labor movement is actually hopeful. A Chicago teacher takes a break from picketing during the union's 2012 strike. yooperann / Flickr Despite many setbacks, this Labor Day, the news for the labor mo
SEP 04
Project Lead the Way's new exam could be the future of testing
by mike simpson / 4d
Project Lead the Way's new exam could be the future of testing This exam feels more like a game. It could be the future of testing. Imagine a high school final that feels more like a computer game than a test. Instead of only answering questions with A, B, C or D, you also demonstrate you can hone a set of materials into a functional object – like a water filter. You keep working until the water
Is Education a Fundamental Right? | The New Yorker
by mike simpson / 4d
Is Education a Fundamental Right? | The New Yorker Is Education a Fundamental Right? The history of an obscure Supreme Court ruling sheds light on the ongoing debate over schooling and immigration. Before sunrise on a morning just after Labor Day, 1977, Humberto and Jackeline Alvarez, Felix Hernandez, Rosario and Jose Robles, and Lidia and Jose Lopez huddled together in the basement of the United
Why there's so much inconsistency in school shooting data
by mike simpson / 4d
Why there's so much inconsistency in school shooting data Why there’s so much inconsistency in school shooting data How many school shootings happen in the U.S. in a single school year? The answer is surprisingly hard to figure out. In April, the U.S. Department of Education released a report on the 2015-2016 school year, stating that “nearly 240 schools (0.2 percent of all schools) reported at l
"Local Context." The New Gates K-12 Strategy is Coming Into Sharper Focus — Inside Philanthropy
by mike simpson / 4d
"Local Context." The New Gates K-12 Strategy is Coming Into Sharper Focus — Inside Philanthropy "Local Context." The New Gates K-12 Strategy is Coming Into Sharper Focus The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation recently announced the first $92 million in grants for its new K-12 initiative Networks for School Improvement. The first of three planned rounds included 19 grantee organizations. The founda
SEP 03
Randi Weingarten Labor Day Message: It’s the union movement that can and must be the catalyst for change #LaborDay #RedForEd #Solidarity @aft @AFSCME @NEAToday @SEIU
by mike simpson / 4d
It’s the union movement that can and must be the catalyst for change It’s the union movement that can and must be the catalyst for change A growing and enduring middle class, great public schools, a living wage, affordable healthcare and college, a decent retirement, a voice at work and in our democracy, communities that are safe and welcoming — these are American aspirations, and they are what t
RED for ED: Union is Getting Stronger - YouTube #LaborDay #RedForEd #Solidarity @aft @AFSCME @NEAToday @SEIU
by mike simpson / 4d
RED for ED: Union is Getting Stronger - YouTube WHAT IS RED FOR ED? When we think about the promise of education today, we see the future leaders of our nation and the qualifed educators who reach, teach and inspire them. We see classrooms with modern tools that help students prepare to make an impact on the world. We see students getting the support they need to thrive and educators having the s
Labor Day 2018 Quotes, History, sayings and solidarity
by mike simpson / 5d
Labor Day 2018 Quotes, History, sayings and solidarity Happy Labor Day! Monday, September 3 LABOR DAY: WHAT IT MEANS Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of
SEP 02
Wendy Lecker: Public education as a political movement - StamfordAdvocate
by mike simpson / 6d
Wendy Lecker: Public education as a political movement - StamfordAdvocate Wendy Lecker: Public education as a political movement My 18-year “career” as a public education parent ended in June as my youngest child graduated from high school. I am witness to the profound effect my children’s teachers had on their development as students and human beings — nurturing their passions, providing life le
Tierrabyte: Economically Disadvantaged Kids in Charter Schools Fare Worse on Math Exams
by mike simpson / 6d
Tierrabyte: Economically Disadvantaged Kids in Charter Schools Fare Worse on Math Exams Tierrabyte: Economically Disadvantaged Kids in Charter Schools Fare Worse on Math Exams A fresh academic school year brings new challenges to students returning to class after the summer break. For economically disadvantaged students in charter schools, one of the biggest challenges might be performing well on
Teachers have been walking out all year. Now they're walking straight to the ballot box
by mike simpson / 6d
Teachers have been walking out all year. Now they're walking straight to the ballot box Teachers have been walking out all year. Now they're walking straight to the ballot box Teachers on strike in Vancouver, WA. on Aug. 29. (Amanda Cowan / Associated Press) What unfolded in West Virginia, Oklahoma and Arizona last spring was not supposed to happen. Tens of thousands of teachers went on strike in
SEP 01
Reclaiming Educational Reform - Long View on Education
by mike simpson / 6d
Reclaiming Educational Reform - Long View on Education Reclaiming Educational Reform “American writers have tended to see themselves as outcasts and isolates, prophets crying in the wilderness. So they have been, as a rule: American Jeremiahs, simultaneously lamenting a declension and celebrating a national dream.” Sacvan Bercovitch, The American Jeremiad (1978) “These schools, these students, ar
2nd BANANA: Top Posts This Week 9/1/18
by mike simpson / 7d
Top Posts This Week 9/1/18 California Legislature Approves McCarty Measure to Ban For-Profit Charter Schools | East County Today Betsy DeVos Orders Flat Earth Disks In Every Classroom | Andrew Hall New direction for Gates Foundation aims to build on progress in L.A. schools National Student-led Forum on Gun Safety and Safe Schools | KRWG BACK TO SCHOOL: A parent’s guide to K-12 school success Fro
The NYT Editorial Board | Schools Can Keep Kids Safe Without Giving Their Teachers Guns - The New York Times
by mike simpson / 7d
Opinion | Schools Can Keep Kids Safe Without Giving Their Teachers Guns - The New York Times Schools Can Keep Kids Safe Without Giving Their Teachers Guns Betsy DeVos’s latest scheme flies in the face of expert advice. Betsy DeVos, the education secretary, floated a plan last week that stood out in its absurdity even among her many other foolish proposals: She is considering using an obscure fede
The price of punishment — new report shows students nationwide lost 11 million school days due to suspensions | EdSource
by mike simpson / 7d
The price of punishment — new report shows students nationwide lost 11 million school days due to suspensions | EdSource The price of punishment — new report shows students nationwide lost 11 million school days due to
NPE Action - Political Endorsements -http://npeaction.org/ on @NPEaction
NPE Action - Political Endorsements - http://npeaction.org/ on @NPEaction
thus Article Top Posts This Week 9/8/18
that is all articles Top Posts This Week 9/8/18 This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
You now read the article Top Posts This Week 9/8/18 with the link address https://onechildsmart.blogspot.com/2018/09/top-posts-this-week-9818.html
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