
Breaking: Did Kentucky teachers turn out Bevins? What next? – Fred Klonsky

Breaking: Did Kentucky teachers turn out Bevins? What next? – Fred Klonsky - Hallo friend SMART KIDS, In the article you read this time with the title Breaking: Did Kentucky teachers turn out Bevins? What next? – Fred Klonsky, we have prepared well for this article you read and download the information therein. hopefully fill posts Article baby, Article care, Article education, Article recipes, we write this you can understand. Well, happy reading.

Title : Breaking: Did Kentucky teachers turn out Bevins? What next? – Fred Klonsky
link : Breaking: Did Kentucky teachers turn out Bevins? What next? – Fred Klonsky

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Breaking: Did Kentucky teachers turn out Bevins? What next? – Fred Klonsky

Breaking: Did Kentucky teachers turn out Bevins? What next? – Fred Klonsky


Randy Wieck is a Kentucky teacher and pension activist. He sent this special to this blog as the Kentucky vote was still being counted. 
If the election results hold for the Governor’s race in Kentucky – Democrat Andy Beshear seems to hold a 5100 vote lead, and IF incumbent Matt Bevin recognizes the result (always in doubt with autocrats – think Robert Mugabe) THEN governor-elect Beshear faces a flock of angry birds in the Republican super-majorities in both Kentucky legislative chambers – think Tippy Hedron in Hitchcock’s The Birds.
Will Beshear’s likely vetoes of draconian attempts to continue Bevin’s/Devos’s charter agenda – even in Bevin’s absence (!) – end up in the courts?
Will the Kentucky legislature attempt to push through ANOTHER pension deform law – this time squarely taking aim at the teacher portion of the Kentucky pension system?
To this observer, we teachers have plugged a hole in the dyke – but with the rising of hostile seas, and with a down-ticket Republican sweep of the other offices on the ballot – think Daniel Cameron as the new Attorney General – we must prepare for a long twilight struggle against the powerful anti-public education forces which have CONTINUE READING: Breaking: Did Kentucky teachers turn out Bevins? What next? – Fred Klonsky

thus Article Breaking: Did Kentucky teachers turn out Bevins? What next? – Fred Klonsky

that is all articles Breaking: Did Kentucky teachers turn out Bevins? What next? – Fred Klonsky This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.

You now read the article Breaking: Did Kentucky teachers turn out Bevins? What next? – Fred Klonsky with the link address https://onechildsmart.blogspot.com/2019/11/breaking-did-kentucky-teachers-turn-out.html

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