Title : Chaz's School Daze: Common Core Is Rapidly Losing Favor Nationally
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Chaz's School Daze: Common Core Is Rapidly Losing Favor Nationally
Chaz's School Daze: Common Core Is Rapidly Losing Favor NationallyCommon Core Is Rapidly Losing Favor Nationally
To ensure states would comply with the Federal Department of Education's policies, the Obama administration dangled money at the states in the mist of a recession and states that did not link student growth scores to their teachers would not get the money. The federal government encouraged states to develop "junk Science", like in New York State, that ended up to be thrown out by a State judge. Under governmental pressure. the "Common Core" rollout was a disaster as the major education publishers had no materials or books and teachers were not trained to teach it. Worse, students were forced to adapt to a different Math program that parents did not understand and could not help their child. Moreover, the reading of non-fiction of boring books rather than reading fiction like "1984" was not good as students disliked the books.. Finally, the emphasis on testing has resulted in parents to "opt out" and in New York State 20% opted out with middle class Long Island having a 52% "opt out" rate.
The Common Core saw the Republican Tea Party and the Left wing of CONTINUE READING: Chaz's School Daze: Common Core Is Rapidly Losing Favor Nationally
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