Title : CURMUDGUCATION: Kristen Bell, Celebrity Charity, Flaming Possums
link : CURMUDGUCATION: Kristen Bell, Celebrity Charity, Flaming Possums
CURMUDGUCATION: Kristen Bell, Celebrity Charity, Flaming Possums
CURMUDGUCATION: Kristen Bell, Celebrity Charity, Flaming PossumsKristen Bell, Celebrity Charity, Flaming Possums
I was already thinking about this, about how Dana Goldstein's Common Core retrospective for the New York Times collapsed a lot of history, but still had room for that time that pre-disgraced Louis CK made a crack about Common Core math. A great reminder of how a gazillion teachers and parents can comment on the quality of the Core, but a celebrity makes a comment and suddenly people listen.
Well, here comes another one of those feel good stories that doesn't make me feel so good. Kristen Bell, actress, star, celebrity, has started doing a little crowd-sourcing charity for classroom teachers. She's been at this for a while--every Friday on Instagram she posts the story of some heart-warming teacher somewhere and the good work that teacher has been doing and the wish list that teacher has for her classroom. Bell's followers then flood that teacher with supplies forn the classroom.
Yes, it's nice that a celebrity is raising the profile of classroom teachers across the country. Yes, it's nice that the appreciation takes the tangible form of supplies a teacher can use. But it brings us back to the old flaming dead possum problem, which I'll illustrate with this conversation:
Employee: Boss! Boss! Come here. I want to talk to you. I have a huge problem. Somebody put a big CONTINUE READING: CURMUDGUCATION: Kristen Bell, Celebrity Charity, Flaming Possums
thus Article CURMUDGUCATION: Kristen Bell, Celebrity Charity, Flaming Possums
that is all articles CURMUDGUCATION: Kristen Bell, Celebrity Charity, Flaming Possums This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
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