Title : Vicki Cobb: Great Stuff for Kids for FREE | Diane Ravitch's blog
link : Vicki Cobb: Great Stuff for Kids for FREE | Diane Ravitch's blog
Vicki Cobb: Great Stuff for Kids for FREE | Diane Ravitch's blog
Vicki Cobb: Great Stuff for Kids for FREE | Diane Ravitch's blogVicki Cobb: Great Stuff for Kids for FREE
Vicki Cobb is a very successful author of children’s books and is active in promoting children’s interest in reading and in science.
No catch.
Wonderful reading online at no cost.
She begins (open the link to read it all!):
In my recent post Why Education Should Always Be Nonprofit I examined some opportunities for corruption. First, in the building of fortunes, like oil, but also in the establishment of for-profit schools where money is siphoned off by realtors and administrators. The product of education is not a commodity that generates enormous wealth, like oil, but a human being who is capable of contributing to society. So where’s the payoff for the individual for-profit investor in the school? It’s certainly not in the production of educated individuals. Society at large benefits from that investment.
So I started a nonprofit organization to bring the CONTINUE READING: Vicki Cobb: Great Stuff for Kids for FREE | Diane Ravitch's blog
thus Article Vicki Cobb: Great Stuff for Kids for FREE | Diane Ravitch's blog
that is all articles Vicki Cobb: Great Stuff for Kids for FREE | Diane Ravitch's blog This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
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