Title : Why I Didn't Help that Stranded Woman on the Side of the Road
link : Why I Didn't Help that Stranded Woman on the Side of the Road
Why I Didn't Help that Stranded Woman on the Side of the Road
The Ole Capmeister faces a quandary.In writing "How Not to Become a Millennial" I have to address the fact that the majority of propaganda, disinformation, and brainwashing has targeted women, leading them to believe in a world that is just not true. It's highly profitable to universities, professors, the democrat party, government unions, fashion industry, and corporations, but it still isn't true. Women are not men (they make horrible men actually). They are often happiest if they have a family and children. They can become careerists if they want, but they rarely manage their time right. And their largest asset is their beauty and youth (which fewer are realizing and even fewer capitalizing on). And since this book is how NOT to become a Millennial, it's a tall order to counter all the propaganda and disinformation our institutions have programmed into nearly every American female today.
But at the same time...do I really have to?
Do I have to address these lies? Do I have to make an arduous and laborious argument of reality, empiricism, logic and fact and try to douse it in so much sugar that maybe .00005% of the female readers *might* entertain it? Do I have to spend what will at minimum be two weeks or hard writing time designing and building this literary argument when it will fall on deaf ears? In short, do I have to be a metaphorical "Captain-Author Save-a-Ho?"
And this is the quandary I face.
Writing sucks. I hate it. I know that's ironic me being an author and all, but sitting down to outline, orchestrate, write, and then polish...and polish...and polish...and polish, to have a finalized and ideal product is taxing. And if a significant-and-though-necessary part of the book is simply going to be ignored, why even bother writing it? The only remaining argument is one of posterity so that at some point in time in the future I can say "see I said so."
So I sought the advice of the infamous Rollo Tomassi.
He pointed me to his article about about convincing women on...well...anything. And though our aims are different we share the same target. I've often pointed out that the MASSIVE amounts of resources, time, and money invested in the feminist infrastructure of society will simply not be outgunned or outspent. There have been trillions of hours and trillions of dollars invested across decades of time in building the "fempowerment" narrative, long before I was even born. Tomassi's approach is from that of female nature, and society merely leveraging, capitalizing, and ultimately profiting off of this nature by selling women a very costly, multi-trillion dollar narrative. And though Rollo recommended I include a section providing "red pill" wisdom to women, when I read his article, it had quite the opposite effect on me. So much so it convinced me not to write that section for women, not to waste my time, and leave the metaphorical girl stranded on the side of the road.
In a final attempt to resolve whether or not to pull off to the side of the road and help out American women, I enlisted the opinion of a traditional housewife who may have had some insights. My books are naturally targeted to a small, intellectual, truly independent minded minority, so even if it saved a couple thousand women from the fates of 58-year-old-pissed-off-feminist-spinsterhood, including this section would be worth it. I just wanted to know if it would even resonate with that small group of up-and-coming women. And even she could not give me a conclusive answer.
She explained to me that women will do whatever appeals to them emotionally. "Just look at Beyonce or Taylor Swift. They tell those girls about empowerment and feminism and girls just go along with it!" To which I, once again, explained I do not have the budget of Hollywood or a record label. But after some further discussion she explained to me how she fooled some feminist women into going apeshit online. There were some men singing the praises of a woman who was a careerist, checking all the feminists boxes, and doing precisely what she was told. However, my Traditional Housewife colleague just started posting pictures of the meal she had made for her husband, and immediately the men in the discussion just started gushing about how much they'd love to have such a woman in their lives. IMMEDIATELY the careerist woman started slamming these men for wanting a woman in the kitchen and "how dare they" and "patriarchy" and "blah blah blah."
And it gave me an idea.
An idea that will not only satisfy my original desire to provide a section within my book that would help out young women, but a way to also profit incredibly off of doing so in anticipation that those wise words will fall on deaf ears, and no doubt I will be accused of being an "ism" or an "ist."
I won't say what it is. And you can be rest assured if you're a regular reader of my books you will want to purchase "How Not to Become a Millennial" when it comes out. But as for that woman on the road? The one who's stranded and "can't find no man" and "where have all the good men gone?" I have decided I AM going to pull over and help her. I AM going to give her a ride to the next town. I AM going to make sure she has the roadmap to living a better life than her Millennial sisters and Gen X spinsters. But to quote Crusher Joe from the movie "Crusher Joe"
"It won't be cheap."
thus Article Why I Didn't Help that Stranded Woman on the Side of the Road
that is all articles Why I Didn't Help that Stranded Woman on the Side of the Road This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
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