Ft. p.o.s.e dog house and Lil Snookums @ Daedreamz
So this is Izzy.
This is Izzy teasing her puppy.
But her puppy has no idea she is teasing, he just loves her.
She loves all her pets. She also loves their treats. She sneaks a biscuit now and then. Just to see what all the fuss is about.
And she will sit and talk to the puppies for hours. They always listen. They are always there ready to be scratched, petted, snuggled, drug around.
Always happy to just be with Izzy.
Her puppies are her favorite. They are much more cuddly then the goldfish She tried to cuddle them once, but they are a little squiggly.
So she spends a lot of time in the dog house.
With her best friends.
Love your pets. They love you unconditionally.
And have your pets spayed and neutered!
Don't create any animals that don't have an Izzy to eat their treats ❤
{Lil*SnOokums} Yorkikins Outift. Comes with outfit and shoes. Comes in TD kid and baby sizes. Event price 75L store price 99L. Copy only. Available at
August DaeDreamz Event.
p.o.s.e doghouse pose. P.O.S.E is poses for her & him, couples, kids and family. The poses are modify so you can adjust them to fit your body. They can be found on marketplace
What Izzy is wearing:
Body: TD baby
Shape: Khaleesi Moon Shape v4 (Fairy)
Head: *TD* Bento Mesh Head #Moon
Skin: ~ EnferSombre Porcelain Tone - Baby
Eyes: IKON Sovereign Eyes - Nymph
Ears: Unisex [Mandala] Steking_Ears_Season5
Hair Doe: Pippy Towtone - Gingers
Accessory: Kibitz - Star necklace - gold
Accessory: :BoWillow: Galaxy Birthstone Rings - Left RARE
Accessory: :BoWillow: Galazy Birthstone Rings - Right RARE
Accessory: LBM Nose Bandage
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