Ft. Soda Pop Shop & Little Clover @Shop Hop
It's good to be happy. It feels so much better than being angry, or sad, or scared.
So if you are having a bad day, try ro remember how good it feels to be happy.
Turn your frowns upside down, give a hug, eat a cookie!
And if its a really bad day and you just can't find your happy, the best remedy is to grab a friend.
Sing a song, share a story, have a conversation or just sit and share the air and I bet in no time you both will be laughing and being silly.
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!
If you're happy and you know it, and you really want to show it;
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!
{sps} Lil Monster Outfit and Little Clover Halloween Mix & Match Candy Corn |
{sps} Monster Hug Outfit and Little Clover Halloween Mix & Match Dots |
Soda Pop Shop Lil Monster and Monster Hug Outfits. These adorable unisex sets come as linked outfits plus shoes. They fit TD Baby, Kid and BS Bebe. Both of these outfits are part of Shop Hop Event, however they will continue to be sold after Shop Hop Event in Soda Pop Shops Mainstore
Little Clover Halloween Mix & Match Outfit. This is a great set for fall fashion. Fits Bebe and TD baby. Included are two shirts (orange and black), 3 pairs of leggings (candy corn, dots, and stripes), and 3 scarves (candy corn, dots, and stripes). These outfits are featured at October Shop Hop. Little Clover's Mainstore is located
.Click. Tire Swing & Patty-cake! poses. Both of these poses can be found at click's Mainstore
The Outfits featured are part of the October Shop Hop Event. To join in the fun you need to join the Shop Hop Group and the first Saturday of the month a HUD is sent out in a notice (if you miss it you can snag it in the group info under past notices). Just add the HUD and it will have a list of stores. click the store on the HUD and you will TP. Each store will have atleast one special item that is marked to 100L$ or less. Stay at that store for at least one minute, you will get a notice in nearby chat that it is good to go, and the store on your HUD will be checked off. Go to all the stores and you will get a special monthly prize from the featured store. The Shop Hop Headquarters are
The Shop Hop Hunt is a month long event that takes places at some of the Shop Hop stores (not all, refer to your HUD) Lots of loot!
What Izzy is wearing:
Body: TD baby
Shape: Khaleesi Moon Shape v4 (Fairy)
Head: *TD* Bento Mesh Head #Moon
Skin: ~ EnferSombre Porcelain Tone - Baby
Eyes: IKON Sovereign Eyes - Nymph
Ears: Unisex [Mandala] Steking_Ears_Season5
Hair: barberyumyum*S07 (red) and barberyumyum*nekomimi (gift)
Accessory: :BoWillow: Galaxy Birthstone Rings - Left RARE
Accessory: :BoWillow: Galazy Birthstone Rings - Right RARE
Accessory: LBM Nose Bandage
What Kael is wearing:
Body: Bad Seed Bebe Body
Shape: Skylarchristine resident bebe shape - self edit not for sale.
Head: *TD* Bento Mesh Head #Moon
Skin: Enfer Sombre - Baby Porcelain
Eyes: Buzzeri moonstone Eyes - Avada and Pure
Ears: Unisex [Mandala] STEKING_EARS_Season5
Hair: barberyumyum*S07 (red) and barberyumyum*nekomimi (gift)
Accessory: Half Deer Pointy Fluffy Ears and Long Fluffy Tail - grey
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