Title : Chaz's School Daze: Micheal Bloomberg's Real Education Legacy
link : Chaz's School Daze: Micheal Bloomberg's Real Education Legacy
Chaz's School Daze: Micheal Bloomberg's Real Education Legacy
Chaz's School Daze: Micheal Bloomberg's Real Education LegacyMicheal Bloomberg's Real Education Legacy
When Micheal Bloomberg was Mayor of New York City, he wanted to be known as the "education Mayor". However, the truth is that Mayor Bloomberg used "smoke and mirrors" to artificially raise the graduation rate while student achievement hardly budged. He also claimed that his polices narrowed the racial/income student achievement gap, which turned out to be fiction and caused Chancellor Joel Klein to resign when the State admitted that their tests were too easy to pass and adjusted the passing rate to btter reflect reality.
If you want to read Michael Bloomberg's education legacy then read my posts Here, Here, Here, and Here.
Under Mayor Bloomberg, class sizes increased, large CONTINUE READING: Chaz's School Daze: Micheal Bloomberg's Real Education Legacy
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