Title : The Three R’s That Helped Mango Mussolini Succeed | GFBrandenburg's Blog
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The Three R’s That Helped Mango Mussolini Succeed | GFBrandenburg's Blog
The Three R’s That Helped Mango Mussolini Succeed | GFBrandenburg's BlogThe Three R’s That Helped Mango Mussolini Succeed
Mark Naison wrote the following on Facebook. I think it sums up a lot of Individual 1’s success, but not all of it. DJT has developed an uncanny ability to lie convincingly.
Ruthlessness, Racism and Riches: Are These the Most Important Keys to Success in the USA?
When I learned from Michael Cohen’s testimony that Donald Trump threatened to sue Fordham to prevent them from releasing his grades and SAT scores, it not only reaffirmed my perception of Donald Trump’s character, it also gave me telling evidence of his chosen path to success.
Here is a person who constantly boasts of his intelligence and athletic ability who goes bat shit crazy at the though of anyone researching whether his college record matches his rhetoric
As someone who is the same age as Donald Trump, attended similar colleges, and likes to think of himself as a scholar athlete, I find Mr Trump’s indignation both amusing and revealing. Anyone who knows how to use Google can find evidence of my athletic career at Columbia, the fellowships I received or the academic awards I earned. You don’t have to ask Columbia for that information, it’s all there on the internet. By contrast, a Google search of Mr Trump’s college years will find no evidence of academic or athletic success. What’s going on?
That someone whose record displays a modest level of athletic and CONTINUE READING: The Three R’s That Helped Mango Mussolini Succeed | GFBrandenburg's Blog
thus Article The Three R’s That Helped Mango Mussolini Succeed | GFBrandenburg's Blog
that is all articles The Three R’s That Helped Mango Mussolini Succeed | GFBrandenburg's Blog This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
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